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The Gig Economy's Role in Service and Delivery Excellence

Discover strategies for leveraging freelance talent to achieve operational excellence and competitive advantage in service and delivery businesses.

Streamlining Project Management with Agile and Scrum

Learn how integrating Agile and Scrum frameworks can streamline project management. Improve overall success in managing diverse projects.

Accelerating Product Development Through Agile Methodologies

Discover how Agile methodologies can significantly accelerate product development. Enhance productivity and speed in your development processes!

RAD vs. Agile: Which Methodology Fits Your Project?

Explore differences between Rapid Application Development (RAD) and Agile methodologies to determine which approach best suits your project needs.
Teamo Case Study

How We Created Delivery App

Discover how we transformed IKEA's global vision into reality in just 9 months, combining speed, cost-efficiency, and unmatched quality!

How To Speed Up the Software Development Process

Explore how Agile, custom frameworks, and microservices transform software development, delivering efficiency and quality in every project.

Ulan CEO Unique Interview with Website Planet!

Our CEO talks about our mission, the value we bring to our clients and the IT future, from which there is no escape. This interview is an absolutely must-check!

Money-Saving Guide To Hiring a Software Developer

Hiring the perfect developer or a team of developers for your big project can be quite daunting. Especially when you have zero IT knowledge and are expected to talk about coding. So to hire a qualified software developer for a startup company, you’re going to have to be prepared. You can start by reading our guide!

From Startup To Software House - Our Journey

Well, this feels very official. We waited for a pretty long time to start our brand new blog on our brand new website. We would like to take this opportunity to say: hello and welcome to Ulan Software!

We Work In Agile. Wanna Know Why?

Some people call it the Holy Grail of software development. And to tell you the truth, we share that opinion. That’s why today we want to tell you a bit more about the famous AGILE.

How To Succeed In Online Business?

Every entrepreneur’s nightmare is a lack of customers. In this post, we tell you exactly how it is if you want to win over the online market. The competition is strong within pretty much every field - companies are continually moving online.

Body Leasing: Cost-Efficient and Flexible IT Workforce Solution

Discover the benefits of body leasing in IT, an innovative staffing model that offers cost savings, flexibility, and access to specialized expertise!

How To Start a Start-Up?

Lots of our clients are startup founders, we have 5 startups on our account, we also meet lots of fellow startupers at conferences all over the world. Not only do we have our own history to tell, but we’ve also listened to some amazing testimonials on various occasions. Today’s post speaks from our own experience. Here’s what you need to know before you start starting to start a startup.

Our Tips On How To Manage a Remote Team

In software development and IT in general, working remotely is getting more and more common. If you want to hire the best software developers you need to be prepared for the fact that most of them would want to work remotely.

Everything You Need To Know Before Making an MVP

We are very passionate about creating products that will change the world and we believe you’ve got an idea for one. BUT, in order to conquer the world with your product, first you need to develop a proper MVP to test it out.

How To Get First Customers For Startup Product?

The typical startuper is often imagined as a young and passionate entrepreneur, who’s got great ideas but is far from reality. Unfortunately, most of the startups fail shortly after the release of their product.

5 Most Common Mistakes That Bring Startup To Failure

We’ve already covered the most requested topic on beginning a startup business. What’s also important to know in the beginning of your startup adventure is how not to fail. A solid 9 out of 10 startups fail before reaching success. The number is real, and so is the threat of failure. We’ve analyzed a lot of cases online and came to the conclusion that there’s a visible pattern.

How to Motivate Your Tech Team and Magnetize Top Talent

Discover the secrets to building a high-performing tech team! Dive into our actionable strategies for motivating your team and attracting top talent!

Nearshoring - a New and Improved Way of High-Quality Outsourcing

Did you know that Poland is rising to the heights of nearshoring in Europe? According to Raconteur and A.T. Kearney’s statistics, Poland places itself as the most attractive financially and essentially regarding software development. If you want to know why Poland is one of the best places to find skilled engineers, read on!

Sales Plan For a Startup

Once you get your startup going, then comes the time for preparing a sales plan. You need a regular income, preferably continually growing.